Quality Assurance

Quality  Assurance
Suranaree University of Technology has a policy of continuing
educational assessment designed to create a quality organizational culture within the university. We began the educational quality assurance since the 1998 academic year, with the system and mechanism for educational assurance matching the university policy of “Centralized Services, Coordinated Missions”. Educational assessment and assurance have been improved and revised continuously up to
now. In academic year 2011, SUT has used all 23 OHEC indicators that accentuate input and process, and included 18 indicators, set out by the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Public Organization) (ONESQA), which focus on output/outcome. and added 8 SUT indicators, making it a total of 10 components with 49 indicators. Based on the Second 15-Year Long Range Plan on Higher Education (2008-2022), the university has applied these components as the main standards in its quality II assessment for a Research/Graduate University with major emphasis on advanced research and production of quality graduates especially at the doctoral degree level.

