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        Pre-Cooperative Education Course
        Pre-Coop Course Outline
        Writing an application letter and resume
      Eligibility for co-op Student
        Before Co-op
          Eligibility     Course requirements     The Petition Process
        Between Co-op
          Students Reporting to Work:     To Berrow Equipment     Leave of Absence and Make-up time     The Supervision Process
        After Co-op
          Seminar and academic report     Evaluation of the co-op students
      Student Loans (Co-op students)     Workplace Selecting Techniques       IQ Test
        Roles of the Chairperson of the
      Supervisory Instructors
      Steps of Supervision       Evaluation of the co-op students
        Steps in finding job placement       Objectives of Supervision       Evaluation of Co-op students by the workplace
      Semester 1/2013     Semester 3/2012     Semester 2/2012
International Co-op
        The importance of international Co-op       History of the International Co-op     Objectives       Project       Qualifications     ASEAN Menbers
Welcome To Cooperative Education
      History Cooperative Education       Rationale       Vision & Mission & Objective       Regulations & Announcement       Organizational structure       Director & Personnel       Benefit of Cooperative Education       Download E-Form       Contact us

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