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Seminar and academic report submission
Seminar and academic report submission

Post-work interview with the supervising instructor of a relevant Academic School

Once the student returns from the co-op work practicum, he will be interviewed for any problems he might have. Consultations, suggestions and some concepts for self-development can be provided for the student. At this stage, the student must hand-in the academic report to the supervising instructor.  If the report needs to be revised, it must be completed according to the designated time frame.

Seminar for exchanging ideas and opinions among students

The essence of Cooperative Education and Career Development program is focused on the students’ development on presentation as well as their experience. Therefore, joint seminars are established where students returning from co-op can exchange ideas among themselves under the supervision of the Cooperative Education Program advisor. The supervising instructor will evaluate the presentation using the following criteria:

  • Presentation approach                          30 points
  • Interesting Contents                             20 points
  • Visual Materials                                   20 points
  • Personality                                          20 points
  • Question and Answer                            5  points
  • Within time limit                                   5  points
  • TOTAL                                             100  points

*** To get the final grade of the presentation, just divide the total points to 5 ex: 100 /5 = 20

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