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Pre-Coop Course Outline

    Week 1 :
  • Principles, concepts, process of Cooperative Education, rules and regulations concerning cooperative education.
  • Workplace selection techniques
    Week 2 :
  • Developing communication skills
  • Thai industrial Direction in the future, How can thai students cope with it ?
    Week 3 :
  • Writing an application letter, a resume, and an application form.
    Week 4 :
  • Living under pressure techniques.
    Week 5 :
  • Occupational health and safety (SAFTY FIRST)
    Week 6 :
  • Management & Planning
    Week 7 :
      Refrain (Midterm Exam.)
    Week 8 :
  • Decision and solutions during the co-op training.
    Week 9 :
    Week 10 :
  • Writing reports and making presentations
    Week 11 :
  • Registration fee payment procedures
  • Guidelines  for co-op students in the workplace
  • Problems and solutions during the co-op training
    Week 12 :
  • Meet with co-op advisors/the Rector for an admonitory remark.
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