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The Supervision Process
  • The co-op official will coordinate with the Head of each Academic School’s supervisory staff to establish a plan of supervision by working in collaboration with the instructors.  The supervision will be from the 5th -12th week of the co-op work term to provide suggestions or consultation to the student about work and self-directed approach in the workplace.  Every co-op student must be supervised at least once during the whole co-op work term.
  • The co-op official will coordinate with the workplace and make an appointment for the supervising instructor’s visit.
  • The student should have the instructor’s itinerary of the visit in order to meet him or her.  If there is a change of the place or an unexpected incident/illness that makes the student absent from work, the student must urgently contact the Center for Cooperative Education or the supervising instructor requesting for the new appointment.
  • The process of supervision at the workplace takes at least 20 minutes for each step.
    • The supervising instructor and the student will have a one-on-one question and answer session.
    • The supervising instructor engages in talking and questioning with the job Supervisor alone.
    • The Job supervisor, the instructor supervisor, and the co-op student meet for a discussion.
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