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The Petition Process
  1. Submission of a General Petition Form The General Petition Form is for the following circumstances:

    1. If a student’s CGPA is lower than 2.00 from the first trimester to the last, prior to the application for the Co-op job or the student does not meet the requirements of the Academic School, a General Petition form needs to be submitted to the Academic School for approval. This process must be completed within the 2nd week of the trimester.
    2. The registration for a pre Co-op course and the Cooperative Education Program must be operated consecutively except for some exceptional circumstances. In such case, the student must submit the general Petition Form to the Dean for approval.
    3. The postponement of Co-op job placement. If a student wants to defer the Co-op job placement after having submitted the job application form, the General Petition Form requesting for the postponement must be submitted to the Dean for approval before the result of the recruitment will be announced.
    4. If a student has taken a substitute course for Cooperative Education, a General Petition form for resignation from the Co-op program must be submitted to the Dean for approval.
    5. To resign from the Cooperative Education Program, a student must submit a General Petition Form to the Dean for approval.

    Note: Once the result of the job placement is announced, every selected student is committed to take the job. Resignation or postponement is not allowed neither can those who have already been working except for illness and emergency cases only.

  2. Steps in submitting the General Petition Form
    Students must follow the steps below in submitting the General Petition Form.

    1. Download the General Petition Form from the website or obtain it from the Office of the Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development, Classroom Building 2.
    2. Complete the form and submit it to the Division of Co-op General Administration.
    3. After the form has been signed and comments have been written by the official of the Co-op Job-Search Division (1st person) and the Director of the Center for Cooperative and Career Development (2nd person), the student then takes the form for further processing.
    4. Submit the form to relevant authorities (3rd-6thperson) in person for additional reasoning.
    5. After the Dean (6th person) has approved the request, return the form to the Office of the Center for Cooperative Educational and Career Development.
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