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Students Reporting to Work:
Students Reporting to Work:
           1. Collect relevant documents at the Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development at the time and date specified. The documents are as follows:
    1.1   Co-op Work Presentation Form
    1.2 Maps of the workplace
    1.3 Co-op Student Performance Appraisal Form (Supervisor’s Packet). For the new workplace, a large envelope will be given to the supervisor containing the evaluation documents as well as the Cooperative Manuals for the workplace.
    1.4 Other documents from the workplace (if any).
  2. Telephone the workplace for initial contact or introduction requesting for the person B* or A+B** who has been assigned to be a coordinator. The questions on the following topics should be asked:
    2.1 Knowledge and skills needed for the job
    2.2 Routes to the workplace (How to get to the workplace)
    2.3 Suggestions on accommodation safety and traveling convenience
    2.4 Time, venue, and the person to be reported to
    2.5 How to dress during working hours
          2.6 Additional documents the workplace might require such as a copy of a House Registration Form, Identification Card, Bank Book, and photos.
  3. Report to the workplace on the date and time specified. Wear the student’s formal uniform and be at the workplace at least half an hour before the appointment.
  4. Submit the additional documents required by the workplace (if any) and submit   the evaluation documents (Supervisor’s Packet) to the supervising personnel.
  * Person B refers to the person assigned by the workplace to coordinate with the Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development.
  ** Person A refers to the person who has the authority to make decisions in the workplace concerning the Cooperative Education + person B (Co-op Coordinator)
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