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SEA-EU Joint Funding

Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation - 4th Call (Innovation)  link

a) Areas: Infectious diseases (including AMR) and Smart Cities b) Evaluation Criteria: - Scientific/Technological excellence and innovativeness - Potential impact and expected outcomes - Management, transnationality and cooperation c) At least 3 partners - 1 from SEA, 2 from EU or 2 from SEA, 1 from EU d) Proposal is jointly submitted.

a) NSTDA is the funding agency. b) Maximum amount allocated is 4 million Baht (in Thailand), but c) 2 - 10 million Baht per country per project

upto 36 Months



SEA-EU Joint Funding

Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation - 3rd Call (Science and Technology)  link

a) Areas: Integrated Water Resource Management and Nanotechnologies b) Evaluation Criteria: - Scientific/Technological excellence and innovativeness - Potential impact and expected outcomes - Management, transnationality and cooperation c) At least 3 partners - 1 from SEA, 2 from EU or 2 from SEA, 1 from EU d) Proposal is jointly submitted.

a) NSTDA is the funding agency.b) Maximum amount allocated is 4 million Baht (in Thailand), but c) 2 - 10 million Baht per country per project

upto 36 Months



The ASEAN-China Young Leaders Scholarship Program (ACYLS)

ASEAN-China Young Leaders Scholarship(ACYLS)2019  link

Applicants of ACYLS should meet the following criteria: a. Citizen of an ASEAN Member State (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam); b. In sound physical and mental health; c. Proficient in English (i.e., must possess an IELTS score of at least 6.0 or a TOEFL score of at least 80 points); d. Holder of an undergraduate degree and under the age of 45 if applying for a master’s degree; e. Holder of a graduate/master’s degree and under the age of 45 if applying for a PhD degree; f. Holder of at least an undergraduate degree if applying for the short-term research program; g. Having at least one-year work experience within government agencies, public or private institutions, universities, think-tanks or similar social agencies, and preferably has experience in the following: • work related to foreign and international affairs, especially ASEAN and China-ASEAN affairs; • work or study in the PRC; • academic work on China or ASEAN-related affairs; h. Not a concurrent awardee of a Chinese government scholarship; i. Meets other admission requirements of the Chinese universities to which the applicant has applied.

January-April Applicants apply to ACYLS national focal points for the ACYLS programs and complete online application via the CGSIS(Chinese Government Scholarship information System). May-June ACYLS national focal points of AMS review and select proper candidates, and submit the recommendation list to the Joint Committee based in Jakarta. The Joint Committee reviews all the recommendations from AMS and submits a nomination list to CSC. June-July CSC engages with the designated universities for placement. End of July CSC notifies the scholarship recipients of the final results upon the confirmation by the Joint Committee. Host universities mail the admission documents to respective recipients. August ACYLS recipients receive admission documents and go through necessary procedures for coming to China. September ACYLS recipients arrive in China and register with the host universities.

The application generally opens from January to April every year

