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Graduate Program Application Form                                                                                                          Photo
                               Suranaree University of Technology

                         To begin studies on trimester                                                                                     / year

Application for School of

Degree sought * (Please consult the information on the back for details)

                 Ph.D.          Type 1                                                                                                    Type 2

                 Master’s   Plan A Type A(1)                                                                                              Plan A Type A(2)             Plan B

1. Title          Mr.          Ms.                                                                                             Mrs.    Other

2. Full Name

3. Date of Birth Day                    Month                                                                                                                    Year
4. Place of Birth City

5. Citizenship

6. Passport Number                                                                                                               Date of Expiry

7. Contact Information

Mailing address (Number & Street)                                                                                                                            City
                                                                                                                                                             Postal Code
Province/State                                                                                                                   Country            E-mail

Telephone                               Fax

Mailing address valid until

8. Permanent Contact Information

Mailing Address (Number & Street)                                                                                                                            City
                                                                                                                                                             Postal Code
Province/State                                                                                                                   Country            E-mail

Telephone                               Fax

Educational Background (Leave blank if not applicable)
1. Currently studying in Bachelor/Master’s program in School/Department

University                                                                                                                       GPA of Major

Expected date of completion                                                                                                                            Abbreviated
Full name of degree to be obtained                                                                                                                     Abbreviated
    Name of advisor/thesis advisor
2. Bachelor’s Degree obtained in year

School/Department                                                                                                                University

Full name of degree obtained                                                                                                     GPA of Major

    Name of advisor
3. Master’s Degree obtained in year

School/Department                                                                                                                University

Full name of degree obtained

GPA                                                                                                                              GPA of Major

Name of thesis advisor

Employment Details
           Never have been employed
           Previously employed: Name and address of former employer

  Currently employed: Post/Rank held at present
      Name and address of employer

          Telephone                                                                                                                        Fax

As currently employed, the employer has approved leave for study

                  Full time                                                                                                      Part time

E:\งาน\เวบ็ ไซตศ์ ูนย\์ ขอ้ มูล Admission\SUT Graduate Application Form.docx พมิ พค์ ร้ังล่าสุดเม่ือ 15/09/58 ๑๕/๐๙/๕๘ ๑๖:๕๐ น.
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