7. Finance related questions

FAQ1. How do I drop a course and get a full refund?


Just drop within 5 days from classes starting. Drop fees are 50 Baht per drop.

2. What if I drop after the first 5 day period from beginning of classes? Would I get a refund then?


Sorry, but no. However if the cause of your dropping of the course is due to an error in SUT’s operations, such as course closed, course meeting time changed, rendering your taking it an impossibility, you will have a full refund notwithstanding. However you will need to request such a refund as follows:

1) Submit general request form at Registrar.

2) The Registrar will check out the information and then proceed to ask for full refund for you.

3) You must follow up on the decision to Refund at the Registrar. If approved, you may receive your refund at the Division for Finance and Accounting.

3. A student may request deferment in paying Fees until when?


A student may defer payment for four weeks from beginning of term, however the student must file a deferment request within 11 days of the new term.

4. What is the fee for late registration?


25 Baht per day for undergraduate level, and 75 Baht per day for graduate students.

5. The fine for late payment of registration fees?


20 Baht per day for undergraduate level and 50 Baht per day for graduate level.

6. If approved to withdraw from the University, when would I receive my damage deposit?


Two months after approval to withdraw. You may receive the money at the Division for Finance and Accounting, Administration Building.

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