6. Requesting graduation, transcripts, and certification of pending graduation

FAQ1. Requesting certification of pending graduation does not require any photos. Is this true?


The certification of pending graduation still uses a photograph, but the transcript does not need any photo.

2. When will a graduation request be approved?


Approval process goes through the Institute Committee, Academic Senate and finally the University Council.

3. Can I receive my complete transcript right away, or do I have to request in advance? Can another receive it for me, and what documents must he or she submit for me, such as Citizen ID card of the recipient or the graduate?


You must wait for approval of the University Council. In the case that another will receive your transcript for you, you must submit a Power of Attorney Form, with xerox copies of the Grantee’s and the Grantor’s ID Cards.

4. If I can’t go receive my graduation documents myself, can another receive them for me? What should I do?


Of course another may. Just submit your Power of Attorney form and xerox copies of the id cards of yours and the person who is going to receive them for you.

5. Can my graduation documents be mailed to me? What is required and how long will this take?


You may request your graduation documents via mail. Just write us your request and enclose a self addressed envelop with the appropriate stamps affixed. We will process your request as soon as we receive it.

6. What documents do I need to request graduation?


Submit your request on our website, check out the relevant dates on our academic calendar, and submit 5 photos of you in your graduation gown of size 3 X 4 cm. to the Division for Evaluation, Center for Educational Services.

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