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18th to 20th October 2012 : WACE CEO visits SUT!

         Dr Paul Stonely, WACE CEO, paid a visit to SUT from 18th to 20th October 2012. His visit was mainly for SUT's commencement ceremony on the 19th, in which he received an SUT honourary doctoral degree in management technology from HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. Big congratulations!


         On the 18th, Dr Paul Stonely was invited to give a speech at the International Cooperative Education Experience Sharing Session organised by SUT's Centre for Cooperative Education and Career Development. He also met with the guest speakers, the 2 international coop students, Mr Alexander Gunson from University of Victoria and Mr Ryan Barton from University of Cincinnati who have been working at Western Digital Thailand under academic supervision of SUT. The event saw more than 300 SUT co-op student participants.


         On the 19th before the commencement ceremony, Dr Paul Stonely was also invited to the meeting of the Master and Doctoral programmes in Cooperative and    Work-Integrated Education Developing Committee. Dr Paul Stonely, as an advisory committee member, was impressed with the development of the programmes and offered valuable comments and suggestions for further improvement. As the first of its kind in the world, the programmes are expected to be offered in June 2013.

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