SUT in the Spotlight in Multi-Chamber of Commerce event “Sustainability for Business Forum 2023”

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    SUT in the Spotlight in Multi-Chamber of Commerce event “Sustainability for Business Forum 2023” Yesterday (May 18, 2023), SUT joined a multi-chamber of commerce event, “Sustainability for Business Forum 2023” event, co-hosted by Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Swiss-Thai Chamber of Commerce, and the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce. Held as a major multi-national chamber of commerce event for the 6th year, SBF2023 drew over 250 participants from international and Thai firms across various foreign chambers to promote, discuss and inspire the importance of sustainable business practices and innovation in Thailand. The event consisted of sessions on Sustainable Finance, Solutions for Industry, Future of Transport, Make Bangkok More Livable, CEO Panel and exhibitions. SUT joined the event to promote its SDG innovations on packaging innovation, clean energy storage solutions, health and wellness, and zero hunger, to gain visibility and connections for researchers and innovations with international industry.

    In one of the panel sessions, Assistant Professor Dr. Pantip Piyatadsananon, Assistant to the Rector for Engagement, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, moderated a session on Future of Transport with panelists from ABB, KLM Royal Dutch Airline, and Rhenus Air and Ocean to share experiences and best practices for reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the land, aviation and oceanic transport sector. Sparking much interest in the event and visited by the Ambassador of Sweden in Thailand, SUT exhibition showcased the Eco-friendly autoclavable bioplastic packaging, K-dle Eco-friendly Cusion, 2x Plus X-sperm sorting technology in cattle, Quantum technology energy storage, plasma disinfection technology, nitrogen capture of urea or nitrate fertilizer, and SUT research spinoff products such as Autophile and Momentra.

    SUT’s active participation in the SBF 2023 event is an initiative to establish the university-international industry links as well as to promote SUT SDG innovations impactful to the international firms and industry. SUT attendance include Asst.Prof. Dr. Wipawee Usaha, Director for Center for International Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Tapany Patchrawit, Deputy Director for Center for International Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Keerati Sulak, Deputy Director for Center for Cooperative Education and Career Development, Mr. Lars Andersson, Assistant Director on Technopolis – Innovation and IP Management Division, Asst. Prof.Dr. Utai Meekum, researcher for the Eco-friendly autoclavable bioplastic packaging, and CIA, Public Relations and research staff.
