Pilot Petroleum Production Plant from Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)

    • Admin

    The Suranaree University of Technology’s pilot plant for petroleum production from RDF uses 5 – 7 tons of plastic per day and can produce approximately 6,000 liters of petrol. This is carried out using plastic wastes from the MBT system as the fuel for the university’s RDF Production Plant (RDF-4). Plastic wastes RDF-4 is transported into the incinerator and heated at 350 – 400 degrees Celsius. Steel structure is used to enable heat transfer to RDF and change its state from solid to liquid then from liquid to vapor. Then the vapor will go through a condensation process using water as the cooling agent. After this process mixed fuel petroleum is produced and are sent for refining at the university’s the pilot commercial refinery plant for further use with motors and machines.

