Organic and Inorganic Waste Disposal Plant : Integrated Solid Waste Sorting Plant

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    he Integrated Solid Waste Sorting Plant is a place for managing organic and inorganic wastes for Suranaree University of Technology. This plant uses Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) technology or composting method. The waste processing process for turning waste into organic compost and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) includes a waste segregation system using conveyor belt, grinder machine, MBT system and sieve machine for separating organic compost and plastics for the waste processing process. The by-product of these processes are organic compost and RDF. The waste being utilized consist of recyclable wastes, RDF, and organic compost at the amount of 1,140 Ton/yr. or 93% of all wastes (1,468 Ton/yr.). The waste processing process produced byproducts including 477 Ton/yr. of organic compost and 663 Ton/yr. of RDF. RDF is sold to a power plant for further use and generates an income of approximately 0.80 million THB/yr. for the university’s environmental fund.