Total area on campus covered in planted vegetation

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    The Suranaree University of Technology is emphasizing the production of sustainable trees to replace deteriorating forests, improve the aesthetics of the region, develop green spaces, and raise the standard of the air in Nakhon Ratchasima.

    Total planted vegetation area: 2,980,420 m2 Total Area: 9,616,152 m2 Percentage area: 31%

    The residential structures and recreation grounds for students are surrounded by a forest. The initiatives were started in 1998 with the goal of improving the campus atmosphere.

    University research plantation plots with an area of about 450,000 square meters are useful for more than just education.It contributes to the university's efforts to add more green space.

    Planting trees and shrubs around the office building will improve shade for building occupants, help to cool the area around the building, and prevent the need to build a parking lot with a concrete floor.