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20th December 2012 : WACE ISO@SUT’s 2012 International Cooperative Education Program

         WACE ISO@SUT’s 2012 International Cooperative Education Program In 2012, WACE-ISO@SUT in close collaboration and great effort among the international cooperative education partners organized the International Cooperative Education Programme. Through this programme, 4 students from University of Cincinnati, U.S.A. and University of Victoria, Canada, were placed for their international cooperative education in Thailand, and just completed their placement at the end of last year. To congratulate them for their successful completion, WACE-ISO@SUT organized The 2012 International Cooperative Education Forum on Thursday, 20th December 2012, at WACE ISO@SUT Bangkok Office for our partners to reflect and share experiences on international cooperative and work-integrated education collaborations. Participants included the four students, the team of supervisors from Western Digital, Thailand, the team of academic supervisors from SUT, Siam University, and Rajamungala University Thanyaburi, and two WACE ISO@SUT Advisory Board members.


         The international coop placement of these four students was the first one conducted through WACE ISO@SUT. Now all of the students have returned home, so following the reciprocity fashion, ISO@SUT will coordinate the placement of four Thai coop students in The US and Canada. And in 2013, we can see more international students coming for their placements in Thailand.

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