

List of Agreements on Academic Cooperation (1992-Present)


|| MoU Overview ||

Signing Date

Host (in SUT)

Partner Institution
Agreement Status
2025-03-05 IS

Changzhou Institute of Technology P.R. China Memorandum of Understanding Between Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand and Changzhou Institute of Technology, P.R. China


2025-02-19 IN

Akita University Japan Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Cooperation between Akita University, Japan and Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand


2025-02-19 IN

Akita University Japan Student Exchange Agreement and Support by the Hokuto Bank, LTD between Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand and Akita University, Japan


2025-02-17 IM

Medical University of Innsbruck Austria Memorandum of Understanding between Medical University of Innsbruck and Suranaree University of Technology


2025-02-07 SEDA

The Rochester Institute of Technology USA Memorandum of Understanding between The Rochester Institute of Technology ,United States of Mmerica and Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand


2025-02-05 IAT

Shinshu University, Japan Japan Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Institute of Agricultural Technology, Suranaree University of Tchnology, Thailand and Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University, Japan


2025-02-05 IAT

Shinshu University, Japan Japan Agreement for Exchange of Students between Institute of Agricultutral Technology, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand and Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University, Japan


2025-02-05 IAT

Shinshu University, Japan Japan Agreement for Cooperation and Exchange in Research between Institute of Agricultural Technology, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand and Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University, Japan


2024-12-20 IE

Gyeongsang National University South Korea Memorandum of Understanding between Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand and Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Republic of Korea


2024-12-12 IS

Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan Taiwan Memorandum of Understanding between Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan and Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand on Academic and Research Collaboration


2024-12-09 SUTH

Teikyo University of Sciences Japan Memorandum of Understanding between Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand and Teikyo University of Sciences, Japan


2024-12-03 SEDA

Majan University College Oman Memorandum of Understanding between Majan University College, Muscat, Oman and Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand


2024-11-18 IAT

Bangladesh Agricultural University Bangladesh Memorandum of Understanding Between Institute of Agricultural Technology, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand and Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh


2024-10-31 IS

Osaka University Japan Memorandum on Student Exchange between Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology and Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University


2024-10-31 IS

Osaka University Japan Agreement on Academic exchange between Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology and Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University


Total: 166 Record : 12 Page : 1 [ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 10 ][ 11 ][ 12 ] Next>>

   Remarks : Abbreviated name of the department in SUT, please click

For SUT personnel seeking a copy of the agreement,
should complete the information request form and submit it to the Center for International Affairs.

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